Previously owned in good condition and new old stock Pick Handle]Lifetime West Bend Handle or Screw for Stockpot Saucepan Skillet Side Short handle fits both four-sided connectors and button type. *Handles come with a screw, but different models have different threads. Only the handle is guaranteed to fit. DONOT force screw; (it advisable to use the old screw first) +Handle for Solar Cap Series shown side by side for comparison. Only one handle is for sale +These handles are from Regal Ware; the parent company of Lifetime by West Bend. They look different from OEM, but have been tried and fit perfectly. #Custom series has different long handles for saucepan and skillet. Select accordingly. 3 items or more placed in cart get a multi item discount that wipes off the shipping fee. Ameramaid, Emdeko, Lifetime, Rainbow, Aristo Craft, European Lady, Magic Maid, Royal Queen, Camelot, Familie, Maxam, Seal Rite, Cook-O-Matic, Flavorite, Miracle Maid, Seal-O-Matic, Cookbest, Golden Line, NeoLife Plexcore, Shir Life, Cordon Bleu, Gracious Living, Odyssey, Society, Crown Regent, Home Ec, Olde World, Thermo Core, Del Glo, Homemakers Guild, Permanent, Twin Star, Dreamware, Image, Premiere 2100, Wonder Ware, Duncan Hines, Inkor, Presto Pride, Elegance, Karen Ware, Queen Anne.